Wednesday 10 December 2014

Week 2: Reflection 1

Society is currently surrounded by the ever growing and complex technology surrounding the new innovation of smart phones and mobile phones. Due to marketing purposes, students are influenced in having the new and improved high gadget technology, which include mobile phones. It seems that the trend today is to have the latest in technology and with upgrades to certain technologies, it’s hard for certain people to have the latest and greatest trend in technology. In this week’s forum there is a discussion arising about the use of mobile phones being used in the classroom. Using the De Bono’s thinking hats and Bloom’s Taxonomy, students discussed their thoughts, feelings and research about students having mobile phones in the classroom. Throughout the thinking and research process, I am still on the boarder, when it comes to allowing students to have phones in the classroom. I consider it to be a positive outcome to students learning, enabling them to produce and engage in technological experiences and vesting their knowledge for future engagements. However, there is a low accommodation that allows teachers and/or parents to understand what the students are doing on their phones, which raises the chances of cyber bullying.  

Throughout the reading over the past weeks, it has been discussed the influence technology has on students and how teachers are becoming more technological. It understood that technology benefits a lot of the student’s learning outcomes. Many of the pedagogical principles are interpreted when students are using technology for their work. Teachers have to change how they contribute knowledge to the students because of the use of technology.  Being in different schools, high and low social economics, I have seen how different technology has influenced the student’s learning. I’ve noticed that a school with low technology advantages has had troubles producing the curriculum step by step and are limited in producing lesson plans that help the students engage with technology. This comes to a complete change once I was witnessing a school with high technology influences. They were able to follow curriculum plans and lesson plans flawlessly, while creating technological tools to further the student’s knowledge. Technology is a main and positive tool to use in schools. Technology allows students to show thinking, organising, planning and modeling of their work. They can also find a vast amount of information and research, which then they can use, online tools to organise and evaluate their work.

This week’s activity was to do with the discussion about allowing students to learn by using mobile phones in the classroom. Using De Bono’s thinking hats procedure set the activity for this week’s discussion. De Bono’s thinking hats allows us to imaginatively put on different colour hats to think of different answers to a discussion topic. The colours of the hats determine different responses. At times it was difficult to determine different responses to each of the hats because of the different ways of thinking that had to be contributed. It was also interesting to see the different responses other people had given. It seemed that most of us had the same general idea, however, could contributed different enquiries to the questions. It seemed that the scaffolding used in this activity helped to extend the answers to the question and allowed for higher order thinking. This activity also linked into Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy allowed the contributors of the activity to comprehend, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluate and share knowledge about the question being asked.  This activity can be linked into the classroom and used by the students. It helps students to use their higher order thinking process, while understanding and connecting to other student’s ideas and knowledge to enhance their learning and further their ideas.

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